Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Best Things in Life Are Sometimes Free

  • Laughing really hard with someone who gets you and creating inside jokes that only you guys will get for years to come.
  • Rocking out at a concert, especially small ones, where you can disappear into the music and for only a moment you are not you but the lyrics of the music
  • The inflection point between buzzed and drunk and facing the ultimate Robert Frost question.
  • The smell of a new pair of shoes when you open the box for the first time at home
  • Cooking with the nephews while they share the antics of their day.
  • My parent’s house
  • The strokes of a make-up brush on your face; the taste of lipgloss
  • Freshly pressed high-thread count sheets shared with the person you adore
  • Warm summer nights that allow for summer dresses, cocktails and good friends
  • Being surprised…in a good way


Valley Girl said...

I like this post! And so true. Don't forget orgasms! They're free! Well, for most of us, anyway. ;)

Grace said...

Awww !!

and I agree with Valley Girl. You gotta fit orgasms up there some where!!

So@24 said...

Number one, please. Definitely cannot be topped.

I also enjoy cocktails, friends and sundresses.

The sundresses on girls for me to look at. Not for myself. Although I imagine they are quite breezy.

d said...

I LOVE PRESSED SHEETS! And high thread counts.

I also love a perfectly chilled vodka martini with the slightest hint of vermouth.

And the fire smell in the air in the winter.

it's not a gravy train said...

Val and Bow - ah yes of course that is one of the best ones to include.

So - It's a shame you can't rock the sundress it is so liberating...although if you do please post pics

D - Can i tell you i spent all of monday learning to iron by pressing sheets, so so fantastic.