Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The 80’s Called, They Want Their Power Couple Back

My name is Gravy Train and I am a newly minted San Francisco housewife. Not a housewife in the traditional sense, my primary occupation is still my PR job, but a housewife nonetheless. I run my new household armed with a ton of registry gifts and knowledge imparted to me courtesy of Food Network

My husband is in “finance” and I am in “communications,” yes cliché 80’s NYC coupling but whatever, it works. I can provide access to sought after locations, venues, et cetera and he can provide the means to ensure all parties involved have a dandy old time…isn’t that a matchmade in yuppie heaven?

So this is my story as I move from being a mama's girl to an "SF Housewife" all in one fell Harry Winston clad swoop.


d said...

OH Lover Muffin! You're back! I changed the link on my blog.

Seriously though, you are the real housewife of SF...cinnamon enchiladas and all.

YZA said...

OMG. I can't wait to see what happens in next week's episode!!! What kind of fruit will you be holding in the opening credits? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as it's encrusted with multi-faceted diamonds.

it's not a gravy train said...

D - Yes, you know I get blog envy...woo hoo. OMG, my sad cooking, I don't know how this NYE dinner thing is going to work out...bring tums yo.

YZA - I will be holding diamond encrusted grapes of course!!! That or rice, not sure. Now, I need to find myself a Nae Nae, D won't do because she is so fab...DARN IT.

Valley Girl said...

Um. Okay, you got a fucking HARRY WINSTON engagement ring?

Please, pretty please, let me see pictures. I must live out my trophy wife fantasy vicariously through you. Thanks.